Achieve Your Goals & Accelerate Your Happiness

Client Testimonials
Hanna has been my guiding light through the unpredictable year of 2020 and I couldn't be more grateful for her support. I've had multiple coaches in my career and she has by far been the one to unlock the most out of me. I took something away from every session with Hanna, even when I showed up unprepared, which speaks to her ability to connect and facilitate. I even find myself borrowing her language and questions when coaching and nudging my team to help activate that ah-ha moment in them! She helped surface and demystify my internal assumptions that were limiting my thinking and I have her to thank for a successful pivot in what felt like a hopeless situation with a project I was leading at work.
Random but interesting observation: I don't ever recall Hanna taking notes during our sessions, yet she remembers and would repeat everything with such clarity, either in that session or in subsequent sessions. I found that very impressive but also somewhat warming. It came across as her being a true expert in her profession that really cares about me.